September 2019
Written by Youth Programs Manager, Jack Wright
Hi! For those of you that I haven’t met yet, I’m Jack, the new Youth Programs Manager! At the end of this past May, I joined the Wright-Locke Team and jumped right into our summer education programs.
It’s been an incredible experience for me as an educator to look back on how the education programs evolved throughout the summer. While some of my original lesson ideas didn’t land as expected, other new activities naturally arose from the kids’ interests on the farm. For example, early in the summer, one of our scavenger hunt activities naturally flowed into a grasshopper-catching extravaganza. Seeing how excited the kids were to catch grasshoppers (as well as how they were collaborating, communicating, and problem-solving as issues arose), I knew that our insect expedition would have to be a regularly scheduled activity! I’ve learned so much over the course of this summer and I’m excited to implement these new ideas into more programs at the farm!

In addition to growing as an educator, I’ve also had an incredible time. Looking back on this summer, I feel so lucky to work at such a wonderful place doing something as important as sharing my love for the outdoors with others. It’s been so rewarding to work with so many different kids (over 300 this summer!) and experience their sense of wonder as they explore the farm. While some of the participants were regulars on the farm, others were here for their first time. This variety of participants and their experiences allowed me to witness the farm through new eyes each week, reminding me of how special the farm is!
I’ve also had so much fun making connections with each of the program participants. Helping the kids build their fairy houses, prepare our daily farm snack, or complete our chicken chores has allowed me to bond with the kids—and share many laughs. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed talking with the kids, exploring their questions along with them, and joking around!
This summer has been an absolute blast and I look forward to our upcoming fall programs (shameless plug: click here to register). One of the most exciting aspects of this work is the freedom that Erika (the Farm’s Education Director) and I have to continue developing our programs. Our goal is to retain the most successful aspects of our existing programs while exploring new topics and aspects of the farm! For example, Erika and I are both looking forward to incorporating more environmental education into our lessons, in addition to our existing farm-focused activities. As the farm continues to grow, we look forward to offering new and engaging experiences for our community.
This summer has been one filled with excitement, joy, and growth (pun intended!). I look forward to our upcoming programs and I hope to see you on the farm soon!

Thank for all of the hard work that you do, Jack. All of us at Wright-Locke Farm are delighted to have you on the team and think you make us a stronger one! We’re excited to implement your ideas as our programs continue to evolve organically (pun intended!).