2018 Farm Education Job Opportunities
2018 Volunteer Opportunities
Recommended for Students in Grades 6 – 12
During the spring, summer, and fall seasons, we have multiple opportunities to involve local students in grades 6 – 12 in our farm education programs. Please see the volunteer opportunities below and email the Education Director to sign up to help with a program.

**Please carefully read our guidelines for student volunteers BEFORE committing to any program!**
- Volunteers assist farm education staff during youth programs. They’re the extra eyes, ears, and hands that help our programs run smoothly. When engaged with the kids and activities, volunteers help our educators do a better job facilitating the planned lessons and activities of the day. Volunteer duties include helping oversee kids during “free choice” activity periods (typically at the beginning, middle, and/or end of a program session), during animal chores and visitation, and other instances where a farm educator’s skills, knowledge, or authority are not required, but some guidance and supervision are helpful to youth participants.
- We strongly prefer high school students help with programs for kids in/entering grades 3 – 6, but middle school students may help with programs for kids ages 4 – 5 (preschool programs) or for kids in/entering grades K – 2.
- Volunteers typically arrive about 15 – 20 minutes before the start of a session to help with last-minute program prep and to learn about the plan for the session; they may leave at the program end time, but we strongly encourage them to plan to stay an extra 10 – 15 minutes to help with certain aspects of clean up and to help oversee kids still waiting to be picked up.
- We expect volunteers to be fully engaged with the activities of the group; please leave all electronics / gadgets / items not needed for the program at home. Cell phones are allowed but should only be used if absolutely needed. Volunteers who cannot abide by these rules will be asked to put their items / phones away until the program session ends.
- Our youth programs are hosted entirely outdoors or in an unheated historic barn; they are scheduled rain or shine, which requires staff, volunteers, and youth participants to ALWAYS dress for the weather and temperature forecasted for the program period. We recommend checking the hourly forecast prior to leaving your house, as weather can change from day to day. Bringing “back up” clothes (jacket, rain boots, etc) to stay warm or dry in the case of forecasted rain is recommended, even if you don’t need them when you leave your house. Remember- we sometimes get a little dirty, so new or special clothes should NOT be worn!
- During summer programs, we recommend all volunteers wear sunscreen and a hat; they should also bring a full water bottle and a snack. Volunteers helping during our “all-day” summer programs should also bring a lunch each day.
- Volunteer hours can be used towards community service projects or credits for school or extracurricular activities. To discuss this further with the Education Director, send us an email.
Spring 2018 Volunteer Opportunities
Please see our 2018 Youth Program schedules for program dates and times. Keep in mind volunteers are expected to be at the farm approximately 15 minutes before AND after program start times.
- April Vacation Morning Program for kids in grades K – 2
- April Vacation Afternoon Program for kids in grades 3 – 6
- Monday Spring After School Program for kids in grades K – 2
- Tuesday Spring After School Program for kids in grades K – 2
- Wednesday Spring After School Program for kids in grades K – 2
- Thursday Spring After School Program for kids in grades 3 – 6
- For homeschool students ages 12 and up: Spring Preschool Program for kids ages 4 – 5
Summer 2018 Volunteer Opportunities
Please see our 2018 Youth Program schedules for program dates and times. Keep in mind volunteers are expected to be at the farm approximately 15 minutes before AND after program start times.
- June 18 – 22 Morning Program for kids ages 4 – 5
- June 18 – 22 Afternoon Program for kids ages 4 – 5
- June 25 – 29 Morning Program for kids entering grades K – 2
- June 25 – 29 Afternoon Program for kids entering grades K – 2
- July 2 – 6 Morning Program for kids ages 4 – 5 (no session 7/4)
- July 9 – 13 Morning Program for kids entering grades K – 2
- July 9 – 13 Afternoon Program for kids entering grades K – 2
- July 16 – 20 Morning Program for kids entering grades K – 2
- July 16 – 20 All Day Program for kids entering grades 3 – 6
- July 23 – 27 Morning Program for kids entering grades K – 2
- July 23 – 27 Afternoon Program for kids entering grades 3 – 6
- July 30 – August 3 Morning Program for kids entering grades K – 2
- July 30 – August 3 All Day Program for kids entering grades 3 – 6
- August 6 – 10 Morning Program for kids entering grades K – 2
- August 6 – 10 Afternoon Program for kids entering grades 3 – 6
- August 13 – 17 Morning Program for kids entering grades K – 2
- August 13 – 17 Afternoon Program for kids entering grades K – 2
- August 20 – 24 Morning Program for kids ages 4 – 5
- August 27 – 31 Morning Program for kids ages 4 – 5