December 2018
Written by Communication Intern, Audrey DiBuono

My name is Audrey DiBuono and I was the 2018 Communication Intern here at Wright-Locke Farm! I would like to take a little bit of time to introduce myself, and give a little background on the path I took to end up here at the Farm!
I have always been a firm believer in a holistic approach to life and am constantly trying to find my own personal balance. This idea first became an important part of my daily routine during high school. At the age of 15, my older brother was diagnosed with ALL, or acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and our family’s entire world felt as though it had been flipped upside down. The only thing that we knew at this point was that we would do everything we could to support Alex in his fight. Part of this was changing all of our lifestyles.
We had already been a very active family, but our nutrition had taken a backseat over the years. The first thing that we did was a sweep of our kitchen and cut out as much added sugar and processed foods as possible and replaced them with organic, whole, nutritious real foods. The whole family stayed healthy during this time, and slowly but surely our diet helped healed our minds, our bodies, and our spirits.
I carried these healthy habits with me throughout my high school career, but entering college I started to lose my focus on my own health and well being. Like many young adults, the change to college shook me. I felt a disconnect between my passion and my forming career path, as well as a disconnect between my health and happiness. It scared me deeply. I lost my passion and started entering into a toxic routine. I was not exercising or staying active, and it seemed like the only foods that I craved were processed and packed with sugar. Along with my physical health, my mental health began to waiver…I wasn’t sure if my degree in Communication was what I could see myself doing and this seemed to only manifest even more over time.
During my Sophomore Year my brother relapsed and had to undergo a bone marrow transplant, reigniting that flame in me once again. I realized how much of my time was being wasted with a negative mindset and living my toxic routine, and finally knew I needed to make change for myself. Watching my brother’s continuous example of strength and bravery really changed my entire outlook on how I should be living my own life- I realized I needed to change my perspective. I started adding back those things that made me feel happy, curious, and whole (classes, good foods, learning about holistic living). I began reading more and more about holistic practices, food policies, sustainability, and most importantly- the Organic Food Movement. I felt more like myself than I had in a long time. I realized I could and would try my hardest to merge passion/interest with my career path upon graduation, and that’s when I happened to find this communication internship at Wright-Locke Farm.

Wright-Locke Farm has helped me find my perfect balance that I am always striving to find. Some days I spend my entire day outside ranging in activities from aiding in education programs, to arranging flowers, or even harvesting in the fields. On other days you can find me greeting attendees at the Speaker Series or working behind the register in the Farm Stand. And sometimes I may just be inside the farm house working with Kim on our computers, honing in on my Communication skills and expanding my education. No matter what I am doing here or where I am, I feel a harmony with myself and with all that surrounds me. Wright-Locke has given me the opportunity to be who I am and, more importantly, find who I am.
I would never have expected to be here when I entered college, and now I am so happy and grateful I was. Being a part of the WLF crew and community is irreplaceable, and so special. I will always carry these memories and lessons with me no matter where I go. Not only am I excited about the opportunities that WLF has given to me to explore and learn, but I feel hopeful about the future and the other opportunities that I see WLF and other farms offering to people, like me, who need these safe, encouraging, and healthy environments. So, Wright-Locke, I leave with a heavy heart knowing I will miss every part of my experience, but with a sense of peace and brightness knowing that I will always have a place here.
Thank You.